Saturday 7 September 2013

Squeezy Saturdays - how I pack a lot of activities in a weekend day for my toddler and baby

I've been so busy with work and feeling unwell the past week that I haven't had the time to write my blog. So here I am doing my usual thing on a weekend - multitasking yet again.

So i've written down my typical Madness Monday. Now it's time to write about my weekends. One would think with such crazy weekdays, I would have lots of time resting and alone time on weekends. In fact, it is the exact opposite.

It all depends on my Friday evenings. Currently I am in party mode, so I am going every Friday for a good dance at a new club and me with the extremities, would of cos only come home when the lights are all switched on in the club. So the earliest would be like last night which is about 3.30am. On certain crazy occasions like last weekend, I can go home latest 6.45am (which is extremely rare)!

Regardless what time I come home, my Saturday wouldn't change (it's only whether I get more or less sleep). My 3yr old girl would wake up between 7.00am - 7.30am latest and Saturday's her ultimate favorite day as it is HER DAY.

7.00am - 7.30am
Wake up and make breakfast for the kids, every week we change the theme/menu for breakfast, baking or cooking something new or different ranging from scrambled eggs-scones-pancake-crepe-french toast-waffles-english muffin-eggs benedict, well basically you name the breakfast item and we have probably made it!

Bath time for everyone, this is when me, my 3yr old and 9mth old will have a long bath, playing with water and toys.

3yr old gets changed and ready for her ballerina class - her ultimate fav for this moment.

The whole family is out of the house and heading towards a nearby mall where her ballerina class is conducted.

3yr old at Ballerina class and I am either in the class socializing with the other mothers there or I will be having a quick fix by going for a 1 hour massage.

11.15am - 12.00pm
Running errands - be it payment of bills, getting my contact lenses, dog food, dog groomers - whatever needs to be done for the week

12.00pm - 2.00pm
Brunch/Lunch with my close friends and kids and then the kids will nap whilst I continue with brunch.

2.00pm - 3.00pm
3yr old goes for her arts & crafts class and that's my time, either I catch up on work or read a book or for this particular instance writing my blog.

3.30pm - 6.30pm
At this time, we are either at an indoor playground or at home baking together or swimming at a friend's place and hanging out with friends and if there's spare time within this 3 hour period, then I would watch TV with the kids (watching the kids' program of course) or continue either working or reading a book (most of the time it is working, naturally).

6.30pm - 7.30pm
Hopefully I have a breather, if not I will go straight into preparing and cooking dinner for the 2 kinds and myself.

Dinner time with the kids.

Bath time for all of us.

8.30pm - 9.30pm
Play time or storybook time for both the 3yr old and 9mth old.

Bedtime for everybody and mama does whatever she wants to do then ranging from watching TV/DVD, reading a book, going online or worse case - working on my computer.

If I decide to not go out that night, I will be in bed already around this time. But if I decide to go out and have another crazy night out to tire myself even further - then I would be silly enough to go out on this Saturday night, making it 2 late nights out in a row for me!

So this is how I pack a lot of activities for my kids which also means a lot of activities for myself in a Saturday. So Saturdays are rest days, there's more work for me in a Saturday then there is on a weekday.

I always wonder what most other Single Mums or families do on a Saturday...

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