Monday 26 August 2013

Why am I blogging? My 1st blog post ever.

This is my 1st blogpost ever. I advocate content and blogs so much but I myself didn't have a blog whereby I could create and share content. So this is it.

I contemplated for days what in the world would I blog about. Why would anyone want to read my blog. Whilst pondering, as usual friends and people would ask me on a daily basis... how to this and how to that and how can you do it while you are a single mum. Then it finally struck me, I should write about my daily life.

I am a single mum by choice. My kids are through IVF and I chose/bought the sperm. I decided to have kids on my own with our without a husband at the age of 30 and at 32 I was blessed with my 1st child - Alessi, my little princess. Alessi is now 3 years old and she is the Chinese one. What do I mean by that - her male donor is of Chinese origin. At 33, I was blessed with my 2nd child, Adrianna, my other little princess. Adrianna is now 9mths old and she is the Dutch one. And again, what do I mean by that - her male donor is of Dutch origin.

While in Europe, America or Australia, it is common to hear of single mothers or women who have decided to have kids on their own accord, in Asia it is a big boo-boo... a taboo. Maybe if being a single mother was through out of wedlock and marriage didn't happen thereafter, or through a tragedy such as an accident, teen pregnancy is heard of.

But to decide on your own accord and purchase the male sperm, go through IVF or insemination and have kids as a single woman without a husband is a whole different ball game altogether.

This has resulted in the many comments be it good or bad, praise and criticisms, admiration and mock from friends, family and the public.

However, this has made me even stronger and prouder of the fact that I am a single mother by choice and it is THE BEST DECISION I have made in my life. I don't deny that many a times I wish I had done it the regular way, be married and have kids, but I am still unmarried and my 2 wonderful children  complete me in a way I can never explain and have brought my life to a whole new meaning.

I am still that career woman, that party girl, the girl waiting to find her soulmate, the trying-to-achieve-everything-in-life person, a daughter, trying to be a sister, the friend that my friends can always rely on, the trying-to-be-a-humanitarian, the entrepreneur, the perfectionist and now... the mother.

Thus, the title of my blog: Single Mother Doing Everything In 24 Hours.