Wednesday 25 September 2013

Losing 40kgs after giving birth

Its hard to believe it but I had put on 40kgs (88lbs) in my 1st pregnancy!

I am...
1.71m (5'6") tall
used to weigh 64kgs

At that height and weight, I was considered big sized in Asia. I was tall but I have a huge frame and I have curves.

Exactly months before I got pregnant at 64kgs

I knew I was never the typical Asian size nor will I ever admit that I am slim. But the fact that I love to eat and I hardly exercised since I move to Malaysia in 2005-2006, my body was in pretty good shape.

During the pregnancy however, my passion for eating went to a whole new level and I began to eat a full meal almost every few hours. Time passed very quickly, I enjoyed my pregnancy and thoroughly enjoy my food! I knew I was putting on weight and lots of friends had told me that I was ballooning up.

However, the thought that I was eating for 2, it's ok you can eat like this when you are pregnant and you'll get away with it... all these self-excuse led to my weighing in 104kgs at the time I was going to give birth, thats 40kgs extra. I basically nearly put on the whole weight of a lot of my tiny Asian friends.

At time of birth, I weighed in 104kgs!

During that time, when I weighed in 104kgs, Asia's Biggest Loser was on TV. I admired how everyone lost so much weight so quickly. They were my size or smaller and lost all that weight but I knew that it required a lot of work which I wasn't willing to put myself through in a gym.

So I do what I know best - be a workaholic as always! I had to do the iPhone 4 launch which was a 3 day x 24hour event (Steve Jobs just passed away so everyone wanted to get an iPhone!) and the setup took 2 days + nights and preparation another 2 days beforehand and teardown was 1 day. So basically it was a whole week of barely any sleep again, non-proper meals, lots of running around, lots of carrying things like a labourer once again, carrying my daughter around whilst working and stress from work led to nearly 9kgs lost in practically 1.5 week! Unhealthy but then if you think about it, I was working like I was working out in the gym and watching my diet because I didn't have the time to eat big long meals like I usually do.

My 4mth old daughter strapped to me most of the time when I was doing my event

But 12 months of running around for work with a child strapped to me, multi-tasking, breast feeding and mainly just being really busy, weight started dropping off naturally. At the end of 12mths, I naturally lost 18kgs from mainly multi-tasking and working like a labourer at my then events business.

I breastfed for 1 year and it was time to wean my daughter off me. Perfect timing I had an event to run which required me to be running around Malaysia for 5days 4nights and there was simply no way I could execute this event with my daughter with me. With the wonderful help of my best friend and Godfather to my daughter, she was sent to Singapore to stay with him for 1 week. She was an easy baby to look after so he had no problems. That was the 1st time I was leaving my daughter for such a long period.

The weaning off, lack of sleep, running around for my event including in the rain, carrying lots of really heavy stuff, not having time to eat proper meals led to an instant huge drop. I lost 5.5kgs in 1 week! Not the healthiest or best way to lose weight but I did. So 16.5kgs more to go...

Work was really busy with so many huge events I had to run back to back and lots of overnight setups which my daughter would accompany me as always. By the time my daughter was 15mths old, I have lost a total of 31kgs from all my multi-tasking and dancing as well!

My 14mth old kept me busy even when I was working at 4am doing an event setup

The last 9kgs however were the hardest, the final bit of weight left simply didn't want to shed off. So a very good friend of mine suggested that I do a detox. And that I did for 10days coupled with lots of clubbing and dancing (due to my newfound confidence that my body as slowly coming back)... the weight did go off. I lost another 4kgs over 2weeks.

I started looking more regular when my daughter was 15mths old

The final 5kgs finally went off during my 1 week trip to India alone with my 18mth old daughter. The combination of being in piles of cloth (saree), heat, carrying my daughter everywhere, vegetarian food, lots of meditation and prayer and lots of walking did it!

In the temple during one of the prayer sessions

My mantra was that I must be 64kgs again (my original weight prior to pregnancy) before I can get pregnant the 2nd time around. I am glad I did it.

It wasn't easy though it sounds like it. So I respect all the overweight people who have lost of weight like the ones you watch on Asia's Biggest Loser.

But then again, if they can do it... 
So can I.
And if I can do it,
So can anyone else...
Just keep that thought that you must go back to your original size and you WILL!

At 64kgs again! Whoopee!

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