Sunday 22 June 2014

How Ordinary People Like YOU & Me Can Be Extraordinarily Wealthy from Simple Daily Habits

I am very blessed to be surrounded by a lot of wealthy people and friends. It gives me many insights and also drive to be like them. I have learnt a lot over the many years from watching their behavioral patterns. The ones I learn most are the one who once came from humble beginnings: no inheritance, no getting it from their husband/wife/bf/gf, no winning the lottery. They not only work hard but they also have certain traits amongst all of them.

Today, I am here to share with you my findings. I hope it will be useful for you as it has been and will be even more so for me as I ensure they are ALL IMPLEMENTED. J

Daily Habits We Can Do To Be Successful & Wealthy:

They all maintain a DAILY TO-DO-LIST to ensure no procrastination and efficient use of time. See my last article that I wrote about To-Do List

DAILY DIET. They are more careful with what they eat, they don’t eat as much junk food as ordinary people do. That shows discipline.

THEY DON’T SPEND TIME WATCHING TV, THEY WATCH 1 HOUR or LESS and it is RARELY REALITY TV. It is good for entertainment but in little doses, not too much. If you have a lot of time watching TV, it probably means you really have nothing better to do a.k.a. not being productive.

VALUE RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE FOR PROFESSIONAL & PERSONAL GROWTH. It is important to make a habit of maintaining contacts even if it means just a simple text msg to say hello or wishing happy birthday. Most people in my life are honestly not for Professional growth, I have such contacts but I do not use them. They are for my personal growth. I learn from everyone. Their support makes me stronger. Which in turn grows my professional aspect of life.

MEET NEW PEOPLE & KEEP IN TOUCH. You never know who these people are, where they come from, who they may become in future. I am actually an introvert but I have always believed that meeting new people and networking is important and so over the many years I have become what it seems as an extrovert even though I am still actually an introvert J I also personally know of an office cleaner in Sydney from 16years ago who now has a house overlooking the Sydney Harbour, drives a Ferrari and Porsche and owns one of the biggest professional office cleaning services in Australia and government contracts. Not bad for a guy who used to clean toilets huh? Most people would have disregarded him as a supposed toilet cleaner, I didn’t (I cleaned toilets too!). And till today we are very good friends. When I went to Sydney recently, he owns a yacht and took me on a sailing race in the Sydney Harbour. Why? He said his closest friends till today are people who knew him as a NOBODY, not people who knew him when he became successful.

DETERMINE YOUR OWN PATH IN LIFE. There is a mantra I live by DAILY recently… THE BEST WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE IS TO CREATE IT! Since I was a kid, I believed that I would be wealthy, I would be able to help others, and in my own little way, I have achieved it and still achieving larger aspects of it now and in the future.  Poor people believe that genetics, fate, luck, what time and year you were born in is what makes u wealthy or successful. Maybe it’s true to a little extent, but in this world and in this lifetime, everyone needs to do what they need to do to create their own future. Even if you are the luckiest person on earth, you would need to take the action of going into the casino and playing a game. The money wouldn’t just credit into your account without doing anything. Although I do not encourage gambling AT ALL.

Wealthy people believe that CREATIVITY INFLUENCES SUCCESS. Poor people believe being “intellectually gifted” is critical. To date, world’s most successful people were high school or university dropouts or C grade students, not A grade students. There is more to wealth than JUST BEING SMART. However I believe that in this and future era, it has to be a combination of both. We need the basics of intelligence (school/uni qualifications) combined with creativity. It is quite difficult to succeed without basic qualifications nowadays. However a 20 yr old has recently proven me otherwise. She only completed high school, doesn’t speak much English but loves fashion and make up. She started a blog of doing nothing but replicating ASIAN & HOLLYWOOD SUPERSTARS looks for under $100. It became huge and many people kept asking her how/where to buy her recreated looks, she started an online shop and within 1 year, she is earning about $20,000-30,000 A MONTH! That’s way more than the average. So much for a NON INTELLIGENT GIRL. Her CREATIVITY is what got her to where she is today. Even all INVENTORS, STEVE JOBS, BILL GATES, they are all actually CREATIVE PEOPLE.  Everyone has creativity, you need to find your own calling for this. Creativity doesn’t mean you have to be artistic, love symphonies etc… Creativity can mean how you can turn a normal toast into many various different types of toasts. Creativity can be taking a simple white tshirt and turning into various different types of outfits. Creativity can be replacing your shoelaces with rafeah rope! Creativity is limitless. Start injecting some bits of CREATIVITY into your LIFE DAILY.

ENJOY YOUR JOB DAILY. I have always been a firm believer that you must enjoy what you do. 86% of the world’s wealthy work an average of 50 hours or more.  81% say they do more than their job requires. Why? Cos you love your job, you want to excel in it and you want to be proud of it. This is related to the idea of creativity being important to financial success. Normally, people who FIND A CREATIVE PURSUIT THAT CAN TURN INTO MONETARY VALUE. When you engage in a creative pursuit or passion that can make money, the rewards are often obscene. Everyday when you are about to start work, in the morning when you are getting ready, instead of thinking: arghhh so much crap to do today, think, I cant wait to do this and that and complete it J Once you start loving your job, naturally you will be more creative. But if you spend more time doing something else than enjoying your job, you should consider a change in your career into something that you would love.

KEEPING HEALTHY. In sync with point number 2: DAILY DIET. Wealthy people believe that health influences their success. Being healthy means fewer sick days, which translates into more productivity and more money. I am a workaholic and will always be. People always used to say at the rate I am working to earn a good living, I will fall ill and then what’s the point of having no health but wealth only. My answer used to be, no money, no capability of treating my health. But now, my mentality is very different. I think HEALTH 1st then WEALTH. Only when I am well, can I be more creative and earn better. And if in the event, I do fall ill, I am able to recover faster and have the monetary means to do so. It is a chicken & egg story but HEALTH is important. So now, I eat better, I exercise better, I take supplements, I cook healthier food at home, I drink infused water, I do breathing exercises and I sleep at least 6 hours a day daily. My new daily habit is to do a few simple exercise at home daily and go to the gym/play a sport/swim/go for a run/walk 3 times a week.

IT’S OK TO MAKE MISTAKES. I used to beat myself up really badly everytime I make a mistake but I also learn from my mistakes very well. Most wealthy and successful people will tell you that they have failed numerous times in life or business or at work before they became extremely successful. The difference is, not to beat yourself up over it. Now, I learn to accept failure and move forward, learn from the mistakes. The lessons last forever. So in fact, the earlier you make the mistake, the better to recover and do even better. I learn everyday from mistakes daily, but I don’t beat myself up over it anymore. I learn to laugh about my silly mistake, take note of how it should have been done better and move forward.

DAILY SAVINGS. I can’t stop harping on this point since my 1st posting. Every CENT SAVED, is a CENT EARNED. Saving should be easier than earning J Simple things we can do:
a.   STOP SPENDING COINS/LOOSE CHANGE DAILY, instead put them in a jar, bottle, piggy bank at the end of each day when you come home daily. You will be surprise how much you can save a month!

b.   Only buy when on SALE, now with so many online shops, Groupon, MyDeal, Lazada, you can get savings everywhere and not pay full prices anymore.

c.    Before paying monthly bills, save $10 or $50, then feel broke. Its good to feel broke after saving, at least in many many years to come, you won’t be as broke as everyone else!

d.   Sell the items you no longer need. This is something I am still learning to do. I am a hoarder of things, I have so many things in my house, of which probably 60% of the things I own I don’t use at all anymore.  Hold a garage sale, sell it online on (for Malaysia) or even to friends on Facebook. You will be surprised how much money you can get from sales of items. I recently sold just little bit of things and make collectively $2,000. If not, these items would have just stayed in my house and depreciated even more.  Now, I am $2000 richer and it’s going into my kids savings account.

READ DAILY. Most wealthy & successful people will tell you that they love to read. Reading 30minutes or more a day for education or career reasons is great. Increases your knowledge and perhaps boost your creativity too. Reading however is NOT READING NEWS FEED UPDATES, TWITTER FEEDS AND READING PHOTOS ON INSTAGRAM/PINTEREST. These are good to do INSTEAD of Watching TV. But regardless, put aside 30mins of reading a good fiction or non-fiction or self-help or motivational book every night before you sleep.

SLEEP EARLY & WAKE UP EARLY. Most wealthy & successful people wake up 3 hours before work starts. This shows discipline and trying to get the most out of each day. This maybe hard to do when you 1st start to do it and you are not used to being a morning person, but trust me, you will somehow start to realise that you have more time than ever, more efficient and make better use of your time when you reshuffle your time from sleeping late, waking up late to sleep early, wake up early. Maintain the same 6-8hours a night but switch the hours. Now, I try my best to do 12am – 6am or 11pm – 6am. I am able to say my gratuity prayers, exercise, make breakfast for the kids, prepare lunch, shower, change, go through my daily to-do-list, send the kids to school, and start work early. Before my work day starts, I have already accomplished more than most people.

BE GRATEFUL, BE POSITIVE & BE HAPPY DAILY. I wake up every morning and start the day by giving THANKS for everything great I have. When you start the day acknowledging how good life is, life becomes good. And even throughout the day, if I start becoming crappy, I wouldn’t be as negative as I normally would as I would snap out of it really quickly, as I had started the day positively and it feels good to feel good J But most importantly, I start the day being grateful, positive and happy, I also end the day being grateful, positive and happy. I no longer cry and worry at night before I go to sleep.


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