Tuesday 27 August 2013

Madness Multitasking Monday!

First of all, I am very impressed that my 1 simple blog post last night received 288 views! Purely from the linking of my blog to Facebook... sounding like an old aged non-tech savvy person, but... I am DAMN impressed! So a BIG THANK YOU to whomever is reading my blog.

Now, back to my 2nd blog posting...

Monday is always called Madness Multitasking Monday!

In my quest of being a perfectionist, I find that MULTITASKING ends up superseding Perfectionism. I strive to have my usual Mondays as such:

  • 7.00AM: Wake up, make breakfast for myself and kids and eat breakfast together (whilst eating breakfast i quickly go through some emails - multitasking no 1)
  • 7.45AM: Take a shower and bathe Alessi (my 3yr old) at the same time (multitasking no 2)
  • 8.00AM: Alessi picks her clothes, I put all my lotions and creams on, lotion up Alessi then wear her clothes, I wear my clothes then its hair dryer time together. I dry her hair 1st then i'll dry mine as she goes downstairs to watch TV (multitasking no 3)
  • 8.30AM: Walk or Drive (pending on my mood or how rushed I am) Alessi to school
  • 8.40AM: Check on my work emails whilst interacting with Adrianna (my 9mth old) and the Baby Einstein DVD (multitasking no 4)
  • 9:30AM: Leave home for work (Thankfully I live 5mins away from my workplace so on "bad" days it takes me only 10mins max)
  • 9.45-10:00AM: its work work work work work in the office, have lunch in the office. I normally bring packed food from home or I'll have takeaway in the office as I'd rather get as much work done rather than waste time going out to eat. (multitasking no 5)
  • 6.30 - 7.30PM: I leave work for home, if I leave early that means I can walk my dogs with Alessi or now I am TRYING to go to the gym for half an hour. If I leave 7.30pm like tonight, then the madness begins
  • 7:30 - 8.15PM: Cooking time with my kids. I cook, Alessi cuts and washes (multitasking no 6)! Cook tonight's dinner for me and the kids, Cook tomorrow's lunch to pack to work, Prepare tomorrow night's dinner (multitasking no 7) - this is what I will further explain on how I multitask cooking so much within such a short period of time, in buy next blog post
  • 8.15 - 9.00PM: Eat dinner with my kids, talk about today, what we did in school, at work, play interactive games, watch TV together (Disney Junior or Baby TV only, preferably the latter to unwind the kids down)
  • 9.00  – 9.15PM: Evening shower together, brush teeth together, wear pyjamas and while Alessi goes to the playroom to play, I will be applying my night lotions and creams in the name of my vanity (multitasking no 8)
  • 9.15 – 9.30PM: A quick short playtime in the playroom or educational reading of books together with Alessi and Adrianna
  • 9.30 – 9.45PM: Drink milk (I will feed Alessi and my maid will feed Adrianna), hugs, kisses and goodnight to both kids and lights out
  • 9.45 – 10.45AM: It’s me time: Check out news feed on FB, Googling interesting ideas/articles, reading a book or starting today, it will include my 10mins writing on my blog!
  • 11.00PM: I used to sleep very little before, but new me is trying to go to bed by 11.00pm. However, like tonight, I have tons of work and deadline and research to do, I will go to sleep once I am done with my work. Most likely tonight, I will go to sleep at around 3am
Just writing this, I already kinda feel exhausted. You must be exhausted reading it too.
But I would assume most working mums have the same kinda day as I do. I have a maid now finally for the past 11months since my 2nd child was about to be born. But I am very hands on and I thoroughly enjoy doing all of the above with my kids so that they get to spend quality time with me whilst I educate them on growing up. No matter how exhausting a day like this may feel, at the end of each day when I put my kids to sleep, I have this smirk on my face knowing that everything I am doing, every minute and every second of the day is all simply worth it for them.

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