Saturday 21 June 2014

Homemade Buttermilk Pancake Recipe

Since I post a lot of stuff we cook at home for the kids on FB, I had quite a few requests for recipes as I go through many many trials and errors before I improvise and get it almost right for the kids at least. These are recipes for the family for a nice quick brekkie before they have to rush off to school or even for a nice weekend brekkie/brunch.


1 cup Plain Flour (English) / All Purpose Flour (American), if you don't have these at home, you can use Self-Raising Flour too
1 tbsp white sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl. What I do is put the sugar & salt in the large bowl 1st, then put the powdery based products (flour, baking powder, baking soda) through a sieve then into the large bowl. When it is sieved and airy, the pancakes become more fluffy.

1 cup Buttermilk 
(if you don't want to waste money to buy buttermilk and have no other uses for it, just take 1 cup cream - cooking or whipping + 1 tbsp lemon juice/white vinegar, add them together and let it stand for 5min - 10mins for it to curdle up, clumpy and become buttermilk, mix well)

slightly less than 1/4 cup milk

1 egg

1/2 finger thickness cut from a typical rectangular/square butter block, melted 

Beat together the above ingredients (buttermilk, milk, egg, melted butter)

Once you are ready to make pancakes, pour WET MIXTURE 2 into flour mixture 1. Use a wooden spoon or fork. Stir well but DO NOT OVER STIR till it becomes too watery.

Heat up an pan/griddle.
To test if the pan is hot enough, flick some water onto the surface of the pan, if it beads up and sizzles immediately, that means the pan is hot enough & ready!

Pour batter onto pan into whatever size you want.
Let the batter bubble up quite a fair bit then only turn over to brown the other side.


If you want to add fruits like I do, once you pour batter onto the pan and make it into whatever size you want, then drop blueberries/raspberries/strawberry slices on top of the batter. 
Once batter bubbles up quite a fair bit, then only turn over to brown the other side.

Note: adding fresh fruits makes turning the pancakes over and having a nice brownish tone to the other side, a little difficult. need some practise because of the natural juices from the fruits.


Top it with either one of the following:
  • sieved powdered icing sugar
  • maple syrup
  • honey
  • nutella
  • butter
  • yoghurt
  • yoghurt + fresh fruits
 Blueberry Pancakes topped with Yoghurt + Fresh Blueberries

 Raspberry Pancakes topped with Yoghurt + Fresh Mashed Raspberries

Hope all of you enjoy this simple, fluffy and yummy pancake recipe. Do share with me on photos of your pancakes once you have made them :)


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