Tuesday 8 October 2013

Samsung vs iPhone vs BlackBerry. WHICH PHONE TO BUY!

Every time a new phone is launched in the market or one thinks about the need to buy a new phone... a lot goes through one's mind.

There is a few things to consider:
Who is more visible in the market
Which brand do I love more
Which phone is more cool
Which phone has the best technologies
Which phone has the best interface
Which phone is most value for money for all of the above
and the list can go on and on and on...

At this moment, my mind is going through all of the above because the S4 and iPhone 5S has just launched.

I fell in love with Apple's iPhone series as I did the launch from iPhone 3-3G-4. I was extremely well educated on the phone and its functions and I fell in love. I loved the APPLE brand. In fact I love it so much that in my home you will see: Macbook Air, Mac Mini, iMacs, Apple TV, iPhone, iPod, iPad, iPad mini... that is almost the whole range!

However, when Samsung launched the S3 and my best friend introduced it to me, the bigger screen and the Android apps being offered free compared to iTunes made me think otherwise. The S3's camera was also better than the iPhone's. Paired with a corporate offer, which made it cheaper and on a plan - I bought my 1st S3 after the iPhone 4S and I was very happy with this buy.

The Samsung S3 - currently my 2nd phone but mainly works as a camera

But as much as this would shock everyone, I am actually truly a BLACKBERRY fan! People laugh at me as I still carry my 'paperweight', 'extinct phone', 'dinosaur phone' and recently with all the job cuts in Blackberry and they are trying to sell the company off, my phone is now called the Phone That Soon Will Have No Brand!

Nevertheless, I carry a Blackberry Q10 (for my love of an actual keypad) and Samsung S3 now (for the cool factors of apps, great camera and big screen).

Blackberry Q10 - Currently my main phone

Until... recently with the launch of the new iPhone5S which takes really great photos (seen it with my friend's phone) I am absolutely tempted to buy the iPhone 5S.

The iPhone 5S which I am lusting for...

But just as I was certain it would be an iPhone 5S, I walked past the Samsung store and saw this SLR camera and S4 all-in-one! OH MY GOD - that is like a dream come true! Of course battery life will be terrible but imagine you have a Camera and also a Phone all built into 1.

The OH MY GOSH Samsung S4 Phone & Camera in One 

All these items are priced almost the same... so that makes it even more difficult to decide.

I will give myself a few more weeks before I decide. But any comments or suggestions anyone?

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